Thursday, March 30, 2006

V for Vendetta

Recently I went to see "V for Vendetta". When I learned that they were making this classic Alan Moore graphic novel in to a movie, the first thing that struck me was, "ACK! Not again!" Yep, the Hollywood track record for converting Moore's works into movies, well, sucks. So, with some trepidation, I went to see it. Will it disappoint like "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"? In a quick answer, No. It was quite good.

Ok, what did I like about the movie? Visually it was gorgous. The script followed the original story very well (some changes were made but that is understandable part of converting a book to a script). The acting was ok tho Portman's accent as forced in some scenes. Overall, I liked it. It was fun even if my favorite scene was not in the movie (when all the servalence devices get deactivated and the populous goes a little wild).

Filmography links and data courtesy of
The Internet Movie


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